Ram Sea Resort

North Redington Beach

June 9-13, 2012
The Braden Family summer vacation for 2012 was held at the Ram Sea Resort on North Redington Beach, located in the St. Petersburg beaches area of the gulf. We had two 3-bedroom condos located on the lower floors of the facility, which was a very good place to stay. Each morning we set up our beach canopy, our beach umbrella, and our beach chairs and except for some cooking, cleaning, and laundry, that was most of the work for the day. Yes, we had swimming in the gulf and in the condo's pool; warm-up jaunts to the large spa (though the gulf and pool waters were warm); beach games such as volleyball, kickball, Bocce ball, paddleball, sand fort building, Frisbee tossing, marshmallow gun wars, and silly string fun. Evenings were for board games and card games.

The weather prediction for the week was pretty grim: 40-60% chance of rain showers every day. However, we had no rain any day except a sprinking on Friday night that wasn't even enough to keep us off the beach.

We had nice visits by Philip Wright, Johanna, and Aaliyah; and by Rex and Michelle Benedict.

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