We are very appreciative of the Memories and Messages of Condolence we received following Elaine Braden's passage into eternity on May 18, 2022. We have attempted to record them here. And we also note that many who loved Elaine have kept their memories of her in their hearts - which is very understandable. If you have submitted something and it is not here, please let me know. And if you wish to add a note, please also let me know. ~Jay BradenClan@gmail.com
(Click on any picture to enlarge it.)
From Nancy Allred-Davis on behalf of Her Mother Betty Allred: (Betty and Tony Allred were close friends of Bill and Elaine in Fairwinds on the Severn; the Allreds and the Bradens also traveled together to Europe)
Jay and Ellen, my mom, Betty Allred, received your card today informing her of your mom's passing. So very sorry to hear, but 101 is quite a milestone. We were just talking about Elaine just the other day and wondering if she was still with us.
Mom remembers that Bill was interred at the Veterans Cemetery in Crownsville. If this is correct and your mom is destined to be interred there also, we would love to connect. I will sign the guestbook ARNmortuary.com on my Mom's behalf.
My mom will be 96 on July 26th. She lives independently in a senior community, Heritage Harbor, in Annapolis. She hasn't driven since she fell and broke her wrist in October. She still takes care of her home and piddles with gardening. My brother, Tony, and I are both local so check in multiple times a week. We are noticing some slight mental decline, slowing down and hearing issues, but basically she's still pretty sharp. She still keeps in touch with Lois Walton in Fairwinds.
My condolences.
From Tom's brother Dennis and his wife Anita:
Anita and I have very good memories of the last few times we saw Elaine at your house in Carmel. She was a strong woman who cared deeply about family. Our prayers are with you.
From Marcy Anderson: (Marcy and her mother cleaned the Braden house in Fairwinds on the Severn for years. They also became good friends on Mom and Elaine.
I am so sorry for your loss
Missy B was a wonderful Lady she will be sorely missed by all. Please let me know when you are going to do a Celebration of Life as if possible would love to come. I don't know what state you will have it but if in Florida I will go to my son's home and get him to bring me down he is in St. Johns FL.
My Sister In Law who lived in Ocala passed away March 18th she was 88. Also lost a friend on the same date he was 54.
Your Mother gave me a plant stand that was in her bedroom and I had it refinished and now have it in my living room so I have something that everytime I see it I will always think of her which I have all the time. Your Mom and Dad were very special people, I used to take your Dad to lunch and then play scrabble with him so your Mom had some Me Time for herself. I Loved them both. You both were so lucky to have them for parents.
My husband who is 83 has Dementia and thing are really not good. It is hard for me as he won't go anywhere and sleeps all the time and when I ask him things he doesn't remember. We have been together 44 years but married almost 30 in September.
All my Love to all of you, God Bless and be safe.
From Vicki Rottman (Daughter of Leah and "Stormy" Rottman, close friends from Bill and Elaine's time in Japan):
I have only positive memories of Elaine. So many good times our families shared over so many decades. Even though the Bradens and Rottmans never lived in the same place since Tokyo in 1957, she remained one of my mother's best friends. I will always remember her fondly. My condolences to Ellen and Jay and their families.
From Natalie Braden:
Dear Papa B, we are thinking of you and sending you love as you celebrate and grieve your wonderful mother! We feel very privileged to know her and have her for so long. The photos are one of my favorite memories of her. How delightful and rare to get stickered by your two-year-old great grandson. I remember her getting such a good laugh out of this moment and being so good-natured about it.
Thank you for providing so many vacations for our family together which now serve as wonderful memories and I know they will for years to come. Thinking of you and remembering precious Nanny! The Braden Bunch
From Kim English: (Kim is the daughter of Bob Cameron, one of Elaine's close friends at Rosewalk)
I'm so sorry to hear abour Elaine's passing. It's so weird but the other day I was thinking about her and I was going to email you to see how she was doing. I knew she had turned 101 in April. Thank you so much for letting me know!
I enjoyed getting to know her! She was so full of life! She called me Kimmy. I'm so glad I got to see her on her 100th birthday. Thank you so much for inviting me!
From Pam & Tim Theesfeld: (Pam attended high school with Ellen)
Elaine gave it all she had. Not many of us make it to 101. I know you'll miss her but she's with your Dad now.
From the Transitions team: (Clint, Transitions Nurse)
It was such a joy to get to be a part of Elaine's care.
From the Transitions team: (Danny, Transitions Nurse)
So sorry for your loss. It was a great honor being a part of Mom's care.
From the Transitions team: (Susie King, Transitions Hospice Team Leader)
To Ellen, Jay and Karen and the entire family, Thank you for sharing your MOM with me, you know how I personally feel. It was a true privilege to care for such a neat lady. May God Bless you all.
From Bryan and Marcia Cox: (Neighbors of Tom and Ellen)
We are so sorry for your loss. Sending thoughts, and prayers to you and your family.
From Renee Barstack: (High school friend of Ellen)
You are in my thoughts, in my heart and in my prayers. Love you and miss you always.
From Barb Callinan: (High school friend of Ellen)
I share your sorrow as it is never a good time to lose your mother. How wonderful you will have so many years of memories. I will keep her and your family in my prayers.
From Val and Mike: (Neighbors of Tom and Ellen)
We are so sorry about the passing of your beloved mother. She had a long, full life. Now its time for you to relax and do some things for you. What a wonderful daughter you have been.
From Sandy Mclaughlin: (High school friend of Ellen)
Thinking of you as you celebrate your Mother's life.
From Debbie Muterspaugh: (High school friend of Ellen)
So sorry to hear about your mom's passing. It is difficult to lose our Moms at any age and any circumstances. An era has passed for us. She was blessed with a long active life.
From Conner Prairie Alliance:
We are so sorry to hear about your mother.
From Donald and Diné Mongold: (Diné is the daughter of Enid Morome, cousin of Elaine's on the Collins side)
Diné: I was so very sorry to hear of the loss of Aunt Elaine. I hope you know how much we loved her. She was such an important part of our family, and we will have so many stories to remember her by. Our deepest sytmpathies!
˜ Diné, Donald, and family.
From Sue and Jim Fields: (Sue attended the pops concerts downtown with Ellen, Elaine, and Judy.
So sorry for the loss of your Mom. We always had a great time at the Symphony and lunch. That was some good times.
Dr. Alvarez: (Mom's dentist) and staff
We are all thinking of you! She was such a beautiful soul inside and out! Take care of yourselves and each other during this sad time.
Anne and Alan Hendrickson: (Friends)
Alan and I would like to extend our deepest sympathies on the passing of your Mom. She was a wonderful person who always had a smile for me. I always enjoyed being with her.
Nan: (Mom's dental hygienist)
I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your mother, mother-in-law, and grandmother. She was an absolute joy and I loved her very much! I feel so honored to have had her as a patient!
Lauren: (Katie's friend and fellow nurse)
I am so sorry for your loss. Nanny was a wonderful person and I feel blessed to have known her. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Laura: (Tom and Ellen's next door neighbor)
Your mother was an amazing woman! It was such a pleasure knowing such a great lady! My thoughts and prayers are with all of your during this difficult time.
Barb: (Friend of Ellen's)
I share your sorrow as it is never a good tine to lose your mother. How wonderful you have so many years of memories. I will keep her and your family in my prayers.
From Pat Tisdale: (Pat and Glen were neighbors in Fairwinds on the Severn)
Dear Ellen and Jay, Elaine and Bill were special friends of the Tisdales in "Fairwinds" for over 40 years. They were a handsome and lively couple in the community, and I can't think of one without the other.
Elaine and I spent many happy summers at the community pool keeping one another entertained with local gossip and occasional getting in the water to cool off. She and Bill had the best holiday parties in the great family room lower level that Bill had designed and built. It was always wonderful to catch up with those family members who were visiting at Christmas and such fun to be with you and your children at the beach on your many Braden family visits. We had a "Fairwinds Bridge Group" in the 1980's and Elaine and Bill joined us when one of the regulars was out of town. We were sorry when they moved to Florida and but understood that the time was right to be closer to family. Our Christmas card exchange kept us connected right up until now.
Elaine had an amazing long life. I had not known that she like I was a Baltimore girl! Her 100th birthday celebration was a beautiful testament to her stellar genetics and to the loving care that you and your families gave her. Even though, it is very hard to loose a parent.
My love to you both. Please know that I am thinking about you and sending sympathy and love. I hope that you will share some photos of Elaine's 100th birthday and tell me about yourselves and families. ~Pat
From Paula and Joe Klimkowski: (Mitzi's daughter and husband. Mitzi was a dear friend of Elaine from Rosewalk)
How thankful we are that our mothers found each other as kindred spirits in the twilight of their lives!
We send our deepest, heartfelt condolences as you miss and cherish the life of your mom.
From Judy and Gary Daymon: (Dear long time friends)
You and Jay made your mother proud in so many ways. She certainly was well cared for and loved thru out her life! You bent over backwards to help her in many ways! We loved her Celebration of Life and especially the kind and true things that Colleen and Karen said about you!
From Eileen Mitchell: (Ellen and Tom's sister-in-law)
I would like to express my sorrow and condolences to you and your family. I pray you and your family find the fortitude to bear this great loss.
Tom and Kelly: (Eileen's son and soon to be daughter-in-law)
We are so sorry to hear about the passing of your mother. Sending you our love, and keeping you, Uncle Tom and the kids in our thoughts. What an amazing long life she lived with no doubt many great memories along the way.
Delcie Mollick: (Long time friend of Elaine's from Severna Park, Md)
Thank you for keeping me informed of your mother. I have so many Great memories of her and Bill in Fairwinds. I still think of our trip on the boat ... we had so much fun! She was proud of her family and you all kept her active. I will be making a donation to Hopkins for cancer research which is my way of remembering all my friends who are increasing in number as the years go by! You should get a notice from them (it's the nurse in me).
From Ron and Sue Potteiger: (Members of Jay's Bible Fellowship)
Dear Jay, so sorry to hear of your mother's passing. What a long and full life she lived. You have to know how very proud of you she was, watching you grow to the Godly man you've become and the many, many successes you've achieved. May you rest in the fact that you served her well and enjoy beautiful memories of happy times over her in your lifetime. Blessings in Christ, Ron and Sue.
From Jack and Sylvia McMillan: (Members of Jay's Bible Fellowship)
So very sorry for the passing of your mom. As you said, "she lived a great life."
From Roger and Sherri Dawson: (Members of Jay's Bible Fellowship)
Celebrating your loved one's homecoming and praying for your strength and comfort. Praying for you and your family, Roger and Sherri.
From the Eddie Mercer Life Group at Bell Shoals Baptist Church: (A beautiful lily dish garden) 
From Green House Cottages of Carmel: (An exquisite flower arrangement) 